Legacy 500 SC 1 liter (500 g/l diflufenican)
Quartz Herbicide cans 1 liter
Note the information below is based on information obtained from the EPA, chemical companies, agribusiness industry, etc.. Herbicide Ingredients: Covered by Statutory Order on pesticides. Herbicide, Reg No 18-514. Active ingredient: Diflufenican 500 g / liter (43.5%). Contents: 1 liter Only to be used for weed control in established Nordmann fir Christmas trees. WARNING To nedsæHe risks to humans and the environment must lalges instructions carefully. Very toxic to aquatic organisms living in water, can ~ rsage long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (R50/53) p ~ Be aware that the WEA has rules for the application. Read more in eventuell statutory SDS and in WEA information on pesticides. Wash skin thoroughly after work Violation of nedenst ~ end special featured regulations may result in punishment: Must only be used for ukrudlsbekæmpelse in established lil Nordmann fir Christmas trees. Do not use the right dosages than those mentioned in the instructions. Do at dosages up to O, 121/ha not be used closer than 10 meters from the water environment (rivers and lakes, etc.) Not at dosages of 0.12 l / ha Not used closer than 20 meters from the water environment (rivers and lakes, etc.) Avoid contamination of water with producer \ clet or containers that have contained product. Do not clean application equipment near oveJiladevand / Avoid contamination via drains from g ~ rdspladser and roads. Do not allow the kloakalløb. Keep ulllgængellgt for children. Do not store food, beverages and feed. Manufacturer and authorization holder:
Pris | €94.50 |